Sunday, April 22, 2007

Another year as passed...

Since today i am one year older!!
Is it good or bad?! So far it has been the same...
It was really weird and different when you celebrate my bday way from your friends at home and your family. I felt like there was something missing... but the party was good...
To celebrate my birthday i went to Sivans with Rute, Yvone, Ricardo and Karolina on Saturday, and today i had a dinner with the rest of the friends, Diana, General, Pintassilgo, Migalhas e Emina!THX
Thanks to all my friends and family for the "msg", i really miss you!
So here are some pictures...
PS. Thanks to the girls for the present!!! (n teve mto uso, mas teve piada!!)
"WHAT THE FUCK?!" --> you understand me!


Yvone Branco said...

I wish you all the best... and I hope that you enjoy our company even if we can substitute your family.

I had a nice and funny Saturday night in Sivans with all of you, and your dinner was great.

Thank you for being as you are...
Friendly, YB :)

Primas said...

Eu gostava de escrever em inglês... mas ainda não tenho background para isso lol
é estranho estar longe dos "nossos" em dias especiais, como o aniversário! Longe criamos formas de diminuir as ausências e recriamos uma espécie de "família"!
O fundamental é que estivemos lá por ti e para ti, a desejar-te o melhor, hoje e sempre.
Muitas Fecilidades.
Puss Puss,